2. jumps (not steps, not walks) down the steps of the bus every day, runs up to the porch, kisses ashlyn, and then runs into the kitchen to grab a snack
3. loves her sister so much she can't keep her hands off her...{trust me, they're not always this sweet and innocent}

4. is officially addicted to reading {she has to read her library book at least once a night...and, on occassion, once with every person in sight}
5. is totally independent...{i think she'd make her own meals and take care of ashlyn if we let her}
6. conquered her fear of the "giant blow-up slide", only to ride it over and over and over again

7. loves her some bling!

8. thinks that she's all grown up (refer back to no.'s 2 & 5)
9. actually is beginning to grow up...{i don't beleive it...i'm still in denial}
10. is affectionately referred to as "boogers", "dude", and "goof"/"goofball" (see picture below)

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Awwwwwwwww!! How cute!!!
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